NEW Online Banking: Virtual Branch Next
On March 28, 2024 Online Banking was updated to Virtual Branch Next. If you have not logged into the new online banking since then, please follow the instructions below.
Login for the first time since our Online Banking update on 3/28/2024.
- Logon ID: is set to your existing Login ID
If your previous Login ID was less than 6 digits/characters long, you must enter the appropriate # of leading zeros to make a total of 6 digits/characters.
If your Login ID is 123, enter: 000123
If your Login ID is 1234, enter: 001234
If your Login ID is User, enter: 00User
If your Login ID is Kr764, enter: 0Kr764
- Security Code: is the last 4 digits of the primary SSN
Once logged in you will be prompted to:
- Create a new Logon ID
- it no longer can be your member number for security purposes
- Create a new Security Code / Password
- remember the "current security code / password" is the last 4 of your SSN
- Establish 3 Security Questions and answers
Once these are changed, you will use your NEW Logon ID and Security Code / Password the next time you log on to Online Banking.
Login for the first time since our Online Banking update on 3/28/2024.
- Logon ID: is set to your existing Login ID
If your previous Login ID was less than 6 digits/characters long, you must enter the appropriate # of leading zeros to make a total of 6 digits/characters.
If your Login ID is 123, enter: 000123
If your Login ID is 1234, enter: 001234
If your Login ID is User, enter: 00User
If your Login ID is Kr764, enter: 0Kr764
- Security Code: is the last 4 digits of the primary SSN
Once logged in you will be prompted to:
- Create a new Logon ID
- it no longer can be your member number for security purposes
- Create a new Security Code / Password
- remember the "current security code / password" is the last 4 of your SSN
- Establish 3 Security Questions and answers
Once these are changed, you will use your NEW Logon ID and Security Code the next time you log on to Online Banking.
Need Assistance with Logon?
- Member Service Rep: (360) 734-5790